Fortran interface reference

The chemfiles module is built around the 5 main types of chemfiles: chfl_trajectory, chfl_frame, chfl_cell, chfl_topology, and chfl_atom. For more information about these types, please see the chemfiles overview.


Atomic indexes in chemfiles starts at 0, not 1. That means that the first atom in a frame have the index 0, not 1. This should be taken in account when using chemfiles function. Fortran arrays returned by function still have indexes starting at 1.

program indexing
    use iso_fortran_env, only: real32, int64
    use chemfiles
    implicit none
    type(chfl_frame)      :: frame
    type(chfl_atom)       :: atom
    real(real32), pointer :: positions(:, :)
    integer(int64)        :: natoms

    ! Read the frame here

    ! Get the first atom in the frame
    call atom%from_frame(frame, 0)
    ! Get the second atom in the frame
    ! call atom%from_frame(frame, 1)

    call frame%poositions(positions, natoms)
    ! position(1, :) now contains the positions of the first atom
end program

This may change in future release to make all atomic number starting at 1, which is more familiar to Fortran developers and would be less confusing.

Naming conventions and call conventions

All the functions and types have the chfl_ prefix. Except for the chfl_strerror and chfl_last_error functions, all the functions take a status argument, which will indicate the status of the operation. It should be 0 if everything was OK, and can be any other number in case of error.

When creating a variable of one of the chemfiles types, the first routine to be called should be an initialization routine. It can be either the init routine for default initialization, or another routine documented as initializing.

implicit none
type(chfl_cell) :: cell
type(chfl_frame) :: frame

call cell%init(20, 20, 20, 90, 90, 90)
call frame%init(3)

These initialization function should only be called once. In order to free the memory asssociated with any chemfiles variable, the free subroutine should be called. After a call the the free subroutine, the init subroutine can be called again whithout any memory leak risk. Not initializing chemfiles variables will lead to segmentations faults.

Miscellaneous functions

string chfl_version([status])

Get the version of the chemfiles library as a string.

Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code

Error and logging functions

string chfl_strerror(status)

Get the error message corresponding to an error code.

Parameters:status [integer] :: The status code
Return:strerror [string] :: The error message corresponding to the status code
string chfl_last_error()

Get the last error message.

Return:strerror [string] :: The error message corresponding to the status code
string chfl_clear_errors([status])

Clear the last error message.

Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine chfl_loglevel(level[, status])

Get the current maximal logging level

Parameters:level [integer,kind=CHFL_LOG_LEVEL] :: A variable that will contain the logging level
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code

The logging level are integers which kind is the parameter CHFL_LOG_LEVEL:


Only log errors


Log warnings and erors. This is the default.


Log infos, warnings and errors


Log everything

subroutine chfl_set_loglevel(level[, status])

Set the maximal logging level to level

Parameters:level [integer,kind=CHFL_LOG_LEVEL] :: The new logging level
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine chfl_logfile(file[, status])

Redirect the logs to file, overwriting the file if it exists.

Parameters:file [string] :: The path to the log file
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine chfl_log_stderr([status])

Redirect the logs to the standard error output. This is enabled by default.

Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine chfl_log_stdout([status])

Redirect the logs to the standard output.

Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine chfl_log_silent([status])

Remove all logging output.

Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine chfl_log_callback(callback[, status])

Redirect all logging to user-provided logging. The callback subroutine will be called at each logging operation with the level of the message, and the the message itself.

Parameters:procedure (chfl_logging_callback) :: The callback procedure
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine chfl_logging_callback(level, message)

This is the interface for callback functions in the logging system. At every log event, this function will be called with the level and the message of the log event.

  • level [integer,intent(in)] :: The level of the log event
  • message [string,intent(in)] :: The message of the log event

chfl_trajectory type

type chfl_trajectory

A chfl_trajectory uses a file and a format together to read simulation data from the file. It can read and write one or many chfl_frame from and to this file. The file type and the format are automatically determined from the extention.

Type fields:
  • % open [subroutine]
  • % with_format [subroutine]
  • % read [subroutine]
  • % read_step [subroutine]
  • % write [subroutine]
  • % set_topology [subroutine]
  • % set_topology_file [subroutine]
  • % cell [subroutine]
  • % nstep [subroutine]
  • % sync [subroutine]
  • % close [subroutine]

The initialization routine are open and with_format, and the memory liberation routine is close.

subroutine open(filename, mode[, status])

Open a trajectory file.

  • filename [string] :: The path to the trajectory file
  • mode [character] :: The opening mode: ‘r’ for read, ‘w’ for write and ‘a’ for append.

status [integer,optional] :: The status code

subroutine with_format(filename, mode[, status])

Open a trajectory file using a given format to read the file.

  • filename [string] :: The path to the trajectory file
  • mode [character] :: The opening mode: ‘r’ for read, ‘w’ for write and ‘a’ for append.
  • format [string] :: The format to use

status [integer,optional] :: The status code

subroutine read(frame[, status])

Read the next step of the trajectory into a frame

Parameters:frame [chfl_frame] :: A frame to fill with the data
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine read_step(step, frame[, status])

Read a specific step of the trajectory in a frame

  • step [integer] :: The step to read
  • frame [chfl_frame] :: A frame to fill with the data

status [integer,optional] :: The status code

subroutine write(frame[, status])

Write a frame to the trajectory.

Parameters:frame [chfl_frame] :: the frame which will be writen to the file
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine set_topology(topology[, status])

Set the topology associated with a trajectory. This topology will be used when reading and writing the files, replacing any topology in the frames or files.

Parameters:topology [chfl_topology] :: The new topology to use
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine set_topology_file(filename[, status])

Set the topology associated with a trajectory by reading the first frame of filename; and extracting the topology of this frame.

Parameters:filename [string] :: The file to read in order to get the new topology
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine set_topology_with_format(filename, format[, status])

Set the topology associated with a trajectory by reading the first frame of filename using the given format; and extracting the topology of this frame.

  • filename [string] :: The file to read in order to get the new topology
  • filename :: The format to use for the topology file

status [integer,optional] :: The status code

subroutine cell(cell[, status])

Set the unit cell associated with a trajectory. This cell will be used when reading and writing the files, replacing any unit cell in the frames or files.

Parameters:cell [chfl_cell] :: The new cell to use
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine nsteps(nsteps[, status])

Get the number of steps (the number of frames) in a trajectory.

Parameters:nsteps [integer] :: This will contain the number of steps
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine sync([status])

Flush any buffered content to the hard drive.

Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine close([status])

Close a trajectory file, and free the associated memory

Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code

chfl_frame type

type chfl_frame

A chfl_frame holds data for one step of a simulation. As not all formats provides all the types of informations, some fields may be initialized to a default value.

A chfl_frame may contains the following data:

  • Positions for all the atoms in the system;
  • Velocities for all the atoms in the system;
  • The topology (chfl_topology) of the system;
  • The unit cell (chfl_cell) of the system.
Type fields:
  • % init [subroutine]
  • % atoms_count [subroutine]
  • % resize [subroutine]
  • % positions [subroutine]
  • % velocities [subroutine]
  • % add_velocities [subroutine]
  • % has_velocities [subroutine]
  • % set_cell [subroutine]
  • % set_topology [subroutine]
  • % step [subroutine]
  • % set_step [subroutine]
  • % selection [subroutine]
  • % free [subroutine]
subroutine init(natoms[, status])

Create an empty frame with initial capacity of natoms. It will be resized by the library as needed.

Parameters:natoms [integer] :: the size of the wanted frame
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine atoms_count(natoms[, status])

Get the current number of atoms in the frame

Parameters:natoms [integer] :: the number of atoms in the frame
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine resize(natoms[, status])

Resize the positions and the velocities in frame, to make space for natoms atoms. This function may invalidate any pointer to the positions or the velocities if the new size is bigger than the old one. In all the cases, previous data is conserved. This function conserve the presence of abscence of velocities.

Parameters:natoms [integer] :: the new number of atoms in the frame
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine positions(data, size[, status])

Get a pointer to the positions array from a frame. The positions are stored as a 3 x N array, this function set a pointer to point to the first element of this array, and give the value of N in the size argument. If the frame is resized (by writing to it, or calling chfl_frame%resize), the pointer is invalidated.

  • data [real,dimension(:, :), pointer] :: A pointer to a float array containing the positions
  • size [integer] :: After the call, contains the array size (N).

status [integer,optional] :: The status code

subroutine velocities(data, size[, status])

Get a pointer to the velocities array from a frame. The velocities are stored as a 3 x N array, this function set a pointer to point to the first element of this array, and give the value of N in the size argument. If the frame is resized (by writing to it, or calling chfl_frame%resize), the pointer is invalidated.

  • data [real,dimension(:, :), pointer] :: A pointer to a float array containing the velocities
  • size [integer] :: The array size (N).

status [integer,optional] :: The status code

subroutine add_velocities([status])

Add velocity storage to this frame. The storage is initialized with the result of chfl_frame%atoms_count as number of atoms. If the frame already have velocities, this does nothing.

Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine has_velocities(has_vel[, status])

Check if a frame has velocity information.

Parameters:has_vel [logical] :: .true. if the frame has velocities, .false. otherwise.
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine set_cell(cell[, status])

Set the UnitCell of a Frame.

Parameters:cell [chfl_cell] :: The new unit cell
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine set_topology(topology[, status])

Set the Topology of a Frame.

Parameters:topology [chfl_topology] :: The new topology
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine step(step[, status])

Get the Frame step, i.e. the frame number in the trajectory

Parameters:step [integer] :: This will contains the step number
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine set_step(step[, status])

Set the Frame step.

Parameters:step [integer] :: The new frame step
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine guess_topology([status])

Try to guess the bonds, angles and dihedrals in the system, using a distance-based algorithm.

Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine free([status])

Destroy a frame, and free the associated memory

Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code

chfl_cell type

type chfl_cell

The chfl_cell type describe the boundary conditions of the system: where are the boundaries, and what is the periodicity of theses boundaries. An unit cell can be of three types: Infinite, Orthorombic or Triclinic. Inifinite cells does not have any boundaries. Orthorombic cells are defined by three orthogonals vectors, and Triclinic cells are defined by three vectors without any constrains.

Type fields:
  • % init [subroutine]
  • % from_frame [subroutine]
  • % lengths [subroutine]
  • % set_lengths [subroutine]
  • % angles [subroutine]
  • % set_angles [subroutine]
  • % matrix [subroutine]
  • % type [subroutine]
  • % set_type [subroutine]
  • % periodicity [subroutine]
  • % set_periodicity [subroutine]
  • % free [subroutine]

The initialization routine are init and from_frame.

subroutine init(a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma[, status])

Create an chfl_cell from the three lenghts and the three angles.

  • a [real] :: the a cell length, in angstroms
  • b [real] :: the b cell length, in angstroms
  • c [real] :: the c cell length, in angstroms
  • alpha [real] :: the alpha angles, in degrees
  • beta [real] :: the beta angles, in degrees
  • gamma [real] :: the gamma angles, in degrees

status [integer,optional] :: The status code

subroutine from_frame_init_(frame[, status])

Get a copy of the chfl_cell of a frame.

Parameters:frame [chfl_frame] :: the frame
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine lengths(a, b, c[, status])

Get the cell lenghts.

  • a [real] :: the a cell length, in angstroms
  • b [real] :: the b cell length, in angstroms
  • c [real] :: the c cell length, in angstroms

status [integer,optional] :: The status code

subroutine set_lengths(a, b, c[, status])

Set the unit cell lenghts.

  • a [real] :: the new a cell length, in angstroms
  • b [real] :: the new b cell length, in angstroms
  • c [real] :: the new c cell length, in angstroms

status [integer,optional] :: The status code

subroutine angles(alpha, beta, gamma[, status])

Get the cell angles, in degrees.

  • alpha [real] :: the alpha angles, in degrees
  • beta [real] :: the beta angles, in degrees
  • gamma [real] :: the gamma angles, in degrees

status [integer,optional] :: The status code

subroutine set_angles(alpha, beta, gamma[, status])

Set the cell angles, in degrees

  • alpha [real] :: the new alpha angles, in degrees
  • beta [real] :: the new beta angles, in degrees
  • gamma [real] :: the new gamma angles, in degrees

status [integer,optional] :: The status code

subroutine matrix(matrix[, status])

Get the unit cell matricial representation, i.e. the representation of the three base vectors arranged as:

| a_x b_x c_x |
|  0  b_y c_y |
|  0   0  c_z |
Parameters:matrix [real,dimension(3, 3)] :: the matrix to fill.
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine type(type[, status])

Get the cell type

Parameters:type [integer,kind=CHFL_CELL_TYPES] :: the type of the cell
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code

The cell types are integers which kind is the parameter CHFL_CELL_TYPES:


The three angles are 90°


The three angles may not be 90°


Cell type when there is no periodic boundary conditions

subroutine set_type(type[, status])

Set the cell type

Parameters:type [integer,kind=CHFL_CELL_TYPES] :: the new type of the cell
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine free([status])

Destroy an unit cell, and free the associated memory

Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code

chfl_topology type

type chfl_topology

A chfl_topology describes the organisation of the particles in the system. What are they names, how are they bonded together, … A topology is mainly a list of chfl_atom in the system.

Type fields:
  • % init [subroutine]
  • % from_frame [subroutine]
  • % atoms_count [subroutine]
  • % guess [subroutine]
  • % append [subroutine]
  • % remove [subroutine]
  • % isbond [subroutine]
  • % isangle [subroutine]
  • % isdihedral [subroutine]
  • % bonds_count [subroutine]
  • % angles_count [subroutine]
  • % dihedrals_count [subroutine]
  • % bonds [subroutine]
  • % angles [subroutine]
  • % dihedrals [subroutine]
  • % add_bond [subroutine]
  • % remove_bond [subroutine]
  • % free [subroutine]

The initialization routine are init and from_frame.

subroutine init([status])

Create a new empty topology

Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine from_frame(frame[, status])

Extract the topology from a frame.

Parameters:frame [chfl_frame] :: The frame
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine atoms_count(natoms[, status])

Get the current number of atoms in the topology.

Parameters:natoms [integer] :: Will contain the number of atoms in the frame
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine append(atom[, status])

Add an atom at the end of a topology.

Parameters:atom [chfl_atom] :: The atom to be added
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine remove(i[, status])

Remove an atom from a topology by index.

Parameters:i [integer] :: The atomic index
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine isbond(i, j, result[, status])

Tell if the atoms i and j are bonded together

  • i [integer] :: The atomic index of the first atom
  • j [integer] :: The atomic index of the second atom
  • result [logical] :: .true. if the atoms are bonded, .false. otherwise

status [integer,optional] :: The status code

subroutine isangle(i, j, k, result[, status])

Tell if the atoms i, j and k constitues an angle

  • i [integer] :: The atomic index of the first atom
  • j [integer] :: The atomic index of the second atom
  • k [integer] :: The atomic index of the third atom
  • result [logical] :: .true. if the atoms constitues an angle, .false. otherwise

status [integer,optional] :: The status code

subroutine isdihedral(i, j, k, m, result[, status])

Tell if the atoms i, j, k and m constitues a dihedral angle

  • i [integer] :: The atomic index of the first atom
  • j [integer] :: The atomic index of the second atom
  • k [integer] :: The atomic index of the third atom
  • m [integer] :: The atomic index of the fourth atom
  • result [logical] :: .true. if the atoms constitues a dihedral angle, .false. otherwise

status [integer,optional] :: The status code

subroutine bonds_count(nbonds[, status])

Get the number of bonds in the system

Parameters:nbonds [integer] :: After the call, contains the number of bond
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine angles_count(nangles[, status])

Get the number of angles in the system

Parameters:nangles [integer] :: After the call, contains the number of angles
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine dihedrals_count(ndihedrals[, status])

Get the number of dihedral angles in the system

Parameters:ndihedrals [integer] :: After the call, contains the number of dihedral angles
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine bonds(data, nbonds[, status])

Get the bonds in the system

  • data [integer,dimension(2, nbonds)] :: A 2x nbonds array to be filled with the bonds in the system
  • nbonds [integer] :: The size of the array. This should equal the value given by the chfl_topology%bonds_count function

status [integer,optional] :: The status code

subroutine angles(data, nangles[, status])

Get the angles in the system

  • data [integer,dimension(3, nangles)] :: A 3x nangles array to be filled with the angles in the system
  • nangles [integer] :: The size of the array. This should equal the value give by the chfl_topology%angles_count function

status [integer,optional] :: The status code

subroutine dihedrals(data, ndihedrals[, status])

Get the dihedral angles in the system

  • data [integer,dimension(4, ndihedrals)] :: A 4x ndihedrals array to be filled with the dihedral angles in the system
  • ndihedrals [integer] :: The size of the array. This should equal the value give by the chfl_topology%dihedrals_count function

status [integer,optional] :: The status code

subroutine add_bond(i, j[, status])

Add a bond between the atoms i and j in the system

  • i [integer] :: The atomic index of the first atom
  • j [integer] :: The atomic index of the second atom

status [integer,optional] :: The status code

subroutine remove_bond(i, j[, status])

Remove any existing bond between the atoms i and j in the system

  • i [integer] :: The atomic index of the first atom
  • j [integer] :: The atomic index of the second atom

status [integer,optional] :: The status code

subroutine free([status])

Destroy a topology, and free the associated memory

Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code

chfl_atom type

type chfl_atom

The chfl_atom type contains basic information about the atoms in the system: the name (if it is disponible), mass, kind of atom and so on. Atoms are not limited to plain chemical elements. Four types of atoms are defined: Element are Atoms from the periodic classification; coarse grained atoms are particles taking together more than one element (CH4 or H2O are examples); Dummy atoms are fictitous points associated with some data, like the fourth site in the TIP4P model of water; and Undefined atoms are all the other atoms types.

Type fields:
  • % init [subroutine]
  • % from_frame [subroutine]
  • % from_topology [subroutine]
  • % mass [subroutine]
  • % set_mass [subroutine]
  • % charge [subroutine]
  • % set_charge [subroutine]
  • % name [subroutine]
  • % set_name [subroutine]
  • % full_name [subroutine]
  • % vdw_radius [subroutine]
  • % covalent_radius [subroutine]
  • % atomic_number [subroutine]
  • % free [subroutine]

The initialization routine are init, from_frame and from_topology.

subroutine init(name[, status])

Create an atom from an atomic name

Parameters:name [string] :: The new atom name
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine from_frame(frame, idx[, status])

Get a specific atom from a frame

  • frame [chfl_frame] :: The frame
  • idx [integer] :: The atom index in the frame

status [integer,optional] :: The status code

subroutine from_topology(topology, idx[, status])

Get a specific atom from a topology

  • topology [chfl_topology] :: The topology
  • idx [integer] :: The atom index in the topology

status [integer,optional] :: The status code

subroutine mass(mass[, status])

Get the mass of an atom, in atomic mass units

Parameters:mass [real] :: The atom mass
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine set_mass(mass[, status])

Set the mass of an atom, in atomic mass units

Parameters:mass [real] :: The new atom mass
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine charge(charge[, status])

Get the charge of an atom, in number of the electron charge e

Parameters:charge [real] :: The atom charge
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine set_charge(charge[, status])

Set the charge of an atom, in number of the electron charge e

Parameters:charge [real] :: The new atom charge
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine name(name, buffsize[, status])

Get the name of an atom

  • name [string] :: A string buffer to be filled with the name
  • buffsize :: The lenght of the string name

status [integer,optional] :: The status code

subroutine set_name(name[, status])

Set the name of an atom

Parameters:name [string] :: A string containing the new name
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine full_name(name, buffsize[, status])

Try to get the full name of an atom from the short name

  • name [string] :: A string buffer to be filled with the name
  • buffsize :: The lenght of the string name

status [integer,optional] :: The status code

subroutine vdw_radius(radius[, status])

Try to get the Van der Waals radius of an atom from the short name

Parameters:radius [real] :: The Van der Waals radius of the atom or -1 if no value could be found.
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine covalent_radius(radius[, status])

Try to get the covalent radius of an atom from the short name

Parameters:radius [real] :: The covalent radius of the atom or -1 if no value could be found.
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine atomic_number(number[, status])

Try to get the atomic number of an atom from the short name

Parameters:number [integer] :: The atomic number, or -1 if no value could be found.
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine type(type[, status])

Get the atom type

Parameters:type [integer,kind=CHFL_ATOM_TYPES] :: the type of the atom
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code

The atom types are integers which kind is the parameter CHFL_ATOM_TYPES:


Element from the periodic table of elements.


Coarse-grained atom are composed of more than one element: CH3 groups, amino-acids are coarse-grained atoms.


Dummy site, with no physical reality.


Undefined atom type.

subroutine set_type(type[, status])

Set the atom type

Parameters:type [integer,kind=CHFL_ATOM_TYPES] :: the new type of the atom
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine free([status])

Destroy an atom, and free the associated memory

Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code

chfl_selection type

type chfl_selection

Chemfiles provides a selection, implemented with the chfl_selection type. This selection language allow the users to select a group of atoms using a string. Examples of selections are "name H" and "(x < 45 and name O) or name C" for selections with one atom, and "angles: name($2) O and mass($3) < 7 or index($1) > 10" for multiple atoms selections.

Type fields:
  • % init [subroutine]
  • % size [subroutine]
  • % evaluate [subroutine]
  • % matches [subroutine]

The initialization routine is init.

subroutine init(selection[, status])

Create a selection corresponding to the given selection string. For example, the selection string "name H and x > 4" will select all the atoms with name "H" and x coordinate less than 4. See the C++ documentation for the full selection language.

Parameters:selection [string] :: The selection string
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine size(size[, status])

Get the size of the selection, i.e. the number of atoms we are selecting together.

Parameters:size [integer] :: The selection size
Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code
subroutine evaluate(frame, n_matches[, status])

Evaluate a selection for a given frame. This function also return the number of matches for a selection in n_matches

  • frame [chfl_frame] :: The frame to use
  • n_matches [integer] :: The number of matches for this selection and this frame

status [integer,optional] :: The status code

subroutine matches(matches, n_matches[, status])
  • matches [chfl_match,allocatable, dimension(*)] :: Pre-allocated array of the size given by chfl_selection%evaluate.
  • n_matchs [integer] :: Size of the matches array

status [integer,optional] :: The status code

type chfl_match

This type contains the matched atoms for a given selection in the atoms array. Values in the atoms array are valid up to the size of this match. If the match size is 2, then atom(1) and atom(2) are valid, and atom(3) and atom(4) contains invalid indexes.

Type fields:
  • % size [integer] :: The size of this match.
  • % atoms [integer,dimension(4)] :: The index of the matched atoms.
subroutine free([status])

Destroy a selection, and free the associated memory

Options:status [integer,optional] :: The status code