Miscelaneous functions

function chfl_version()

Get the version of the Chemfiles library.

Return:character [len=*] :: chemfiles version

Error handling

function chfl_last_error()

Get the last error message emmited by Chemfiles.

Return:character [len=*] :: error message for the last error
subroutine chfl_clear_errors([status])

Clear the last error message emmited by Chemfiles.

Options:status [integer,optional, kind=chfl_status] :: status code of the operation. If it is not equal to CHFL_SUCCESS, you can learn more about the error by using chfl_last_error.

All chemfiles functions have an optional status argument which is an integer of kind chfl_status, and can take the following values:

integer(chfl_status) :: CHFL_SUCCESS

Status for successful operations.

integer(chfl_status) :: CHFL_MEMORY_ERROR

Status code for error concerning memory: out of memory, wrong size for pre-allocated buffers, etc.

integer(chfl_status) :: CHFL_FILE_ERROR

Status code for error concerning files: the file do not exist, the user does not have rights to open it, etc.

integer(chfl_status) :: CHFL_FORMAT_ERROR

Status code for error in file formating, i.e. for invalid files.

integer(chfl_status) :: CHFL_SELECTION_ERROR

Status code for invalid selection strings.

integer(chfl_status) :: CHFL_CONFIGURATION_ERROR

Status code for configuration files errors.

integer(chfl_status) :: CHFL_OUT_OF_BOUNDS

Status code for out of bounds indexing.

integer(chfl_status) :: CHFL_PROPERTY_ERROR

Status code for errors related to properties.

integer(chfl_status) :: CHFL_GENERIC_ERROR

Status code for any other error from Chemfiles.

integer(chfl_status) :: CHFL_CXX_ERROR

Status code for error in the C++ standard library.


subroutine chfl_set_warning_callback(callback[, status])

Chemfiles sends warning on various events, for example invalid files or errors in the API usage. By default they are printed to the standard error stream, but you can redirect them by setting a callback to be called on each event with the event message. This function set the callback for all warning events.

Parameters:callback [procedure,kind=chfl_warning_callback] :: warning callback
Options:status [integer,optional, kind=chfl_status] :: status code of the operation. If it is not equal to CHFL_SUCCESS, you can learn more about the error by using chfl_last_error.
subroutine chfl_warning_callback(message)

Interface for the warning callback to be used with chfl_set_warning_callback.

Parameters:message [character,len=*, intent(in)] :: The warning message

Configuration files

You can add more configuration file to chemfiles with chfl_add_configuration().

subroutine chfl_add_configuration(path[, status])

Read configuration data from the file at path.

By default, chemfiles reads configuration from any file named .chemfilesrc in the current directory or any parent directory. This function can be used to add data from another configuration file.

This function will fail if there is no file at path, or if the file is incorectly formatted. Data from the new configuration file will overwrite any existing data.

Parameters:path [string] :: the new configuration file path
Options:status [integer,optional, kind=chfl_status] :: status code of the operation. If it is not equal to CHFL_SUCCESS, you can learn more about the error by using chfl_last_error.