
class chemfiles::Topology

A topology contains the definition of all the particles in the system, and the liaisons between the particles (bonds, angles, dihedrals, ...).

Only the atoms and the bonds are stored, the angles and the dihedrals are computed automaticaly.

Public Functions

Topology(size_t natoms)

Construct a topology with capacity for natoms atoms.


Construct an empty topology.

Atom & operator[](size_t index)

Get a reference to the atom at the position index.

const Atom & operator[](size_t index) const

Get a const (non-modifiable) reference to the atom at the position index.

void append(const Atom & _atom)

Add an atom in the system.

void remove(size_t idx)

Delete an atom in the system. If idx is out of bounds, do nothing.

void add_bond(size_t atom_i, size_t atom_j)

Add a bond in the system, between the atoms at index atom_i and atom_j.

void remove_bond(size_t atom_i, size_t atom_j)

Remove a bond in the system, between the atoms at index atom_i and atom_j.

size_t natoms() const

Get the number of atoms in the topology.

size_t natom_types() const

Get the number of atom types in the topology.

void resize(size_t natoms)

Reserve space for natoms in the topology.

void clear()

Clear the topology.

bool isbond(size_t i, size_t j) const

Check wether the atoms at indexes i and j are bonded or not.

bool isangle(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const

Check wether the atoms at indexes i, j and k constitues an angle.

bool isdihedral(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t m) const

Check wether the atoms at indexes i j, k and m constitues a dihedral angle

std::vector< bond > bonds() const

Get the bonds in the system.

std::vector< angle > angles() const

Get the angles in the system.

std::vector< dihedral > dihedrals() const

Get the dihedral angles in the system.

void recalculate()

Recalculate the angles and dihedrals list from the bond list.