Miscelaneous functions ====================== Error handling -------------- Apart from the *constructor* functions (the functions returning pointers to the chemfiles types); all the functions return a status code from the ``chfl_status`` enum: .. doxygenenum:: chfl_status .. doxygenfunction:: chfl_last_error .. doxygenfunction:: chfl_clear_errors Format list and Metadata ------------------------ .. doxygenfunction:: chfl_guess_format .. doxygenfunction:: chfl_formats_list .. doxygenstruct:: chfl_format_metadata :members: Warnings -------- The chemfiles library send warnings when it encounters malformed files, or any other condition that the user might want to know about. By default, these warnings are printed to the standard error stream. :cpp:func:`chfl_set_warning_callback` allow to redirect these warning by giving it a callback function to be called on each warning event. .. doxygentypedef:: chfl_warning_callback .. doxygenfunction:: chfl_set_warning_callback