Supported formats ================= List of supported formats ------------------------- This page list the supported formats in chemfiles, with a link to the format specification. For each format, it is also indicated which kind of data can be read or written with |yes| for 'yes' and |no| for 'no'. Even if chemfiles can read some type of data from a file, this does not mean that all files of this format will contain this type of data. The *Extension* column gives the extension used when trying to detect the format. If your file does not have this extension, you can also use the string in the *Format* column as a parameter to the :cpp:class:`chemfiles::Trajectory` constructor to manually specify which format to use. .. role:: red .. |yes| replace:: `✓` .. |no| replace:: :red:`✗` .. csv-table:: :file: formats-overview.csv :header-rows: 1 :class: formats-table :widths: 20, 11, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9 - **LAMMPS** format corresponds to trajectory files written by the LAMMPS `dump `_ command. - **LAMMPS Data** format corresponds to LAMMPS data files, as read by the LAMMPS `read_data `_ command. .. note:: in-memory IO Additionally, some formats support reading and writing directly to memory, without going through a file. At this time, all text based files (excluding those backed by the Molfiles plugin) support both reading and writing directly to memory. The MMTF format supports reading from a memory buffer, but does not support writing. It is also possible to read a compressed GZ or XZ file directly to memory buffer, but writing compressed files is not supported. Asking for a new format ----------------------- If you want to use chemfiles with a format which is not yet implemented, you may easily add it by yourself if you know some C++. See the ``src/formats/XYZ.cpp`` file for example. The list of planned formats can be found `here `_. If you can not find your favorite format in this list, you can `open an issue `_ with a description of the format, or even better a link to the format specification. .. _gh-new-format: .. _gh-new-issue: