use chemfiles_sys as ffi;
use crate::errors::{check, check_not_null, check_success, Error};
use crate::strings;
pub(crate) struct RawProperty {
handle: *mut ffi::CHFL_PROPERTY,
impl RawProperty {
pub unsafe fn from_ptr(ptr: *mut ffi::CHFL_PROPERTY) -> RawProperty {
RawProperty { handle: ptr }
pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const ffi::CHFL_PROPERTY {
fn double(value: f64) -> RawProperty {
unsafe {
let handle = ffi::chfl_property_double(value);
fn bool(value: bool) -> RawProperty {
unsafe {
let handle = ffi::chfl_property_bool(u8::from(value));
fn vector3d(value: [f64; 3]) -> RawProperty {
unsafe {
let handle = ffi::chfl_property_vector3d(value.as_ptr());
fn string(value: &str) -> RawProperty {
let buffer = strings::to_c(value);
unsafe {
let handle = ffi::chfl_property_string(buffer.as_ptr());
fn get_kind(&self) -> ffi::chfl_property_kind {
let mut kind = ffi::chfl_property_kind::CHFL_PROPERTY_BOOL;
unsafe {
check_success(ffi::chfl_property_get_kind(self.as_ptr(), &mut kind));
return kind;
fn get_bool(&self) -> Result<bool, Error> {
let mut value = 0;
unsafe {
check(ffi::chfl_property_get_bool(self.as_ptr(), &mut value))?;
return Ok(value != 0);
fn get_double(&self) -> Result<f64, Error> {
let mut value = 0.0;
unsafe {
check(ffi::chfl_property_get_double(self.as_ptr(), &mut value))?;
return Ok(value);
fn get_string(&self) -> Result<String, Error> {
let get_string = |ptr, len| unsafe { ffi::chfl_property_get_string(self.as_ptr(), ptr, len) };
let value = strings::call_autogrow_buffer(64, get_string)?;
return Ok(strings::from_c(value.as_ptr()));
fn get_vector3d(&self) -> Result<[f64; 3], Error> {
let mut value = [0.0; 3];
unsafe {
check(ffi::chfl_property_get_vector3d(self.as_ptr(), value.as_mut_ptr()))?;
return Ok(value);
impl Drop for RawProperty {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
let _ = ffi::chfl_free(self.as_ptr().cast());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub enum Property {
Vector3D([f64; 3]),
impl From<bool> for Property {
fn from(value: bool) -> Self {
impl From<f64> for Property {
fn from(value: f64) -> Self {
impl From<String> for Property {
fn from(value: String) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<&'a str> for Property {
fn from(value: &'a str) -> Self {
impl From<[f64; 3]> for Property {
fn from(value: [f64; 3]) -> Self {
impl Property {
pub(crate) fn as_raw(&self) -> RawProperty {
match *self {
Property::Bool(value) => RawProperty::bool(value),
Property::Double(value) => RawProperty::double(value),
Property::String(ref value) => RawProperty::string(value),
Property::Vector3D(value) => RawProperty::vector3d(value),
#[allow(clippy::needless_pass_by_value)] pub(crate) fn from_raw(raw: RawProperty) -> Property {
match raw.get_kind() {
ffi::chfl_property_kind::CHFL_PROPERTY_BOOL => Self::Bool(raw.get_bool().expect("should be a bool")),
ffi::chfl_property_kind::CHFL_PROPERTY_DOUBLE => {
Self::Double(raw.get_double().expect("should be a double"))
ffi::chfl_property_kind::CHFL_PROPERTY_STRING => {
Self::String(raw.get_string().expect("should be a string"))
ffi::chfl_property_kind::CHFL_PROPERTY_VECTOR3D => {
Property::Vector3D(raw.get_vector3d().expect("should be a vector3d"))
pub struct PropertiesIter<'a> {
pub(crate) names: std::vec::IntoIter<String>,
pub(crate) getter: Box<dyn Fn(&str) -> Property + 'a>,
impl<'a> Iterator for PropertiesIter<'a> {
type Item = (String, Property);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|name| {
let property = (self.getter)(&name);
(name, property)
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
fn count(self) -> usize {
mod tests {
mod raw {
use super::super::*;
fn bool() {
let property = RawProperty::bool(false);
assert_eq!(property.get_kind(), ffi::chfl_property_kind::CHFL_PROPERTY_BOOL);
assert_eq!(property.get_bool(), Ok(false));
fn double() {
let property = RawProperty::double(45.0);
assert_eq!(property.get_kind(), ffi::chfl_property_kind::CHFL_PROPERTY_DOUBLE);
assert_eq!(property.get_double(), Ok(45.0));
fn string() {
let property = RawProperty::string("test");
assert_eq!(property.get_kind(), ffi::chfl_property_kind::CHFL_PROPERTY_STRING);
assert_eq!(property.get_string(), Ok("test".into()));
fn vector3d() {
let property = RawProperty::vector3d([1.2, 3.4, 5.6]);
assert_eq!(property.get_kind(), ffi::chfl_property_kind::CHFL_PROPERTY_VECTOR3D);
assert_eq!(property.get_vector3d(), Ok([1.2, 3.4, 5.6]));
mod rust {
use super::super::*;
fn bool() {
let property = Property::Bool(false);
let raw = property.as_raw();
assert_eq!(raw.get_kind(), ffi::chfl_property_kind::CHFL_PROPERTY_BOOL);
assert_eq!(raw.get_bool(), Ok(false));
assert_eq!(Property::from_raw(raw), property);
fn double() {
let property = Property::Double(45.0);
let raw = property.as_raw();
assert_eq!(raw.get_kind(), ffi::chfl_property_kind::CHFL_PROPERTY_DOUBLE);
assert_eq!(raw.get_double(), Ok(45.0));
assert_eq!(Property::from_raw(raw), property);
fn string() {
let property = Property::String("test".into());
let raw = property.as_raw();
assert_eq!(raw.get_kind(), ffi::chfl_property_kind::CHFL_PROPERTY_STRING);
assert_eq!(raw.get_string(), Ok("test".into()));
assert_eq!(Property::from_raw(raw), property);
let property = Property::String("long string ".repeat(128));
let raw = property.as_raw();
assert_eq!(raw.get_string(), Ok("long string ".repeat(128)));
fn vector3d() {
let property = Property::Vector3D([1.2, 3.4, 5.6]);
let raw = property.as_raw();
assert_eq!(raw.get_kind(), ffi::chfl_property_kind::CHFL_PROPERTY_VECTOR3D);
assert_eq!(raw.get_vector3d(), Ok([1.2, 3.4, 5.6]));
assert_eq!(Property::from_raw(raw), property);