Format agnostic
Chemfiles provides a unique interface for all supported file formats. Read XYZ, PDB, NetCDF, TRJ and many other formats using the same code.
Chemfiles supports both text (XYZ, PDB, …) and binary (GROMACS, NetCDF, …) formats.

Easy to use
Chemfiles focuses on simplicity, and has extensive documentation.
The API is built in an object-oriented fashion, with less than 10 classes publicly exposed.
Multiple languages
Chemfiles is written in C++, but you can use it with all the major scientific languages
Principal features
- Transparently read and write compressed files (.gz, .xz, and .bz2);
- Powerfull atom selection language, including constrains on multiple atoms;
- Automatic file type recognition;
- Support non-constant number of atoms;
- Orthorombic and tricliclinic periodic boundary conditions;
- Use a custom unit cell or topology at runtime;
- And many others ...
Chemfiles is open-source under the 3 clauses BSD licence, hosted on Github, and open to your contributions!
Please report any bug or feature request as a Github issue.
Usage examples
Here is how you can use chemfiles to get the position of atoms from a trajectory. More examples can be found in the documentation for each language.
#include <iostream>
#include <chemfiles.hpp>
int main() {
chemfiles::Trajectory file("");
auto frame =;
std::cout << "There are " << frame.size() << " atoms in the frame" << std::endl;
auto positions = frame.positions();
// Do awesome science here with the positions
if (frame.velocities()) {
auto velocities = *frame.velocities();
// If the file contains information about the
// velocities, you will find them here.
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <chemfiles.h>
int main() {
CHFL_TRAJECTORY* file = chfl_trajectory_open("", 'r');
CHFL_FRAME* frame = chfl_frame();
chfl_trajectory_read(file, frame);
uint64_t natoms = 0;
chfl_vector3d* positions = NULL;
chfl_frame_positions(frame, &positions, &natoms);
printf("There are %d atoms in the frame", natoms);
// Do awesome science here with the positions
bool has_velocities = false;
chfl_frame_has_velocities(frame, &has_velocities);
if (has_velocities) {
chfl_vector3d* velocities = NULL;
chfl_frame_velocities(frame, &velocities, &natoms);
// If the file contains information about the
// velocities, you will find them here.
program example
use chemfiles
use iso_fortran_env, only: real64
implicit none
type(chfl_trajectory) :: file
type(chfl_frame) :: frame
real(real64), dimension(:, :), pointer :: positions, velocities
call file%open("", "r", status=status)
if (status /= 0) stop
call frame%init()
call file%read(frame, status=status)
if (status /= 0) stop
positions => frame%positions()
write(*, *) "There are", size(positions, 2), "atoms in the frame"
! Do awesome science here with the positions
if (frame%has_velocities()) then
velocities => frame%velocities()
! If the file contains information about the
! velocities, you will find them here.
end if
end program
from chemfiles import Trajectory
file = Trajectory("")
frame =
print("There are {} atoms in the frame".format(len(frame.atoms)))
positions = frame.positions
# Do awesome science here with the positions
if frame.has_velocities():
velocities = frame.velocities
# If the file contains information about the
# velocities, you will find them here.
use chemfiles::Trajectory;
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<std::error::Error>> {
let file = Trajectory("", "r")?;
let frame =;
println!("There are {} atoms in the frame", frame.size());
let positions = frame.positions();
// Do awesome science here with the positions
if frame.has_velocities() {
let velocities = frame.velocities();
// If the file contains information about the
// velocities, you will find them here.
return OK(());
using Chemfiles
file = Trajectory("")
frame = read(file)
println("There are $(size(frame)) atoms in the frame")
pos = positions(frame);
# Do awesome science here with the positions
if has_velocities(frame)
vel = velocities(frame)
# If the file contains information about the
# velocities, you will find them here.