Selection language


Chemfiles implements a rich selection language that allows finding the atoms matching a set of constraints in a Frame. For example, atom: name == H and x > 15 would select all atoms with a name equal to “H” and x cartesian coordinate bigger than 15. Here, name == H and x > 15 are individual constraints, and they are combined with and, meaning both of them must be true for an atom to match to full selection.

Chemfiles atomic selection language differs from other atomic selection languages (such as the ones in VMD, MDAnalysis, and many others) by the fact that it is possible to formulate constraints not only on single atoms, but also on pairs, triplets, and quadruplets of atoms. For example, angles: name(#2) O and mass(#3) < 1.5 will select all sets of three bonded atoms forming an angle such that the name of the second atom is O and the mass of the third atom is less than 1.5. Here, the first atom is left unconstrained. Where evaluating simple selections yields a list of matching atomic indexes, evaluating triplet selection will return a list of triplets of atomic indexes (and correspondingly for pairs and quadruplets).

The number of atoms to select together is indicated in chemfiles by a context, separated from the main selection by a colon. Seven contexts are available: atoms is the default context, matching single atoms. two, three, and four match arbitrary pairs, triplets and quadruplets of atoms respectively. bonds, angles, and dihedrals match pairs, triplets and quadruplets of atoms bonded together to form the corresponding connectivity element.

Expressing the constraints

Selections are built by assembling simple constraints with the Boolean operators and, or and not. They follow the usual interpretation of logic: A and B will be true only if both A and B are true, A or B will be true if one of A or B is, and not A will be true is A is false. You can use three types of constraints in your selections: Boolean constraints, string constraints, and numeric constraints.

String constraints check text values, such as the atomic name or atomic type, comparing it to a fixed value: name(#1) == Fe. When using a selection with more than one atom, constraints are applied to different atoms using #1, #2, #3 or #4 to refer to a specific atom: angles: name(#3) Co will check the name of the third atom of the angles, and so on.

Numeric constraints check numeric values such as the position of the atoms (x, y, and z), the atomic mass, the index of an atom in the frame, etc. Numeric values can be combined with the usual mathematical operations: x^2 + y^2 + z^2 < 10^2 will check for atoms inside the sphere with a radius of 10 Å centered on the origin. The usual +, -, * and / operators are supported, as well as ^ for exponentiation and % for modulo (remainder of Euclidean division). These operations follow the standard priority rules: 1 + 2 * 3 is 7, not 9. Numeric values are then compared with one of == (equal), != (not equal), < (less than), <= (less or equal), > (more than), or >= (more or equal).

Finally, Boolean constraints directly evaluate to either true or false for a given set of atoms. For example, is_bonded(i, j) will check if atoms i and j are bonded together. Here, i and j can either be one of the atoms currently being matched (#1 / #2 / #3 / #4) or another selection (called sub-selection). In the latter case, all the atoms in the sub-selection are checked to see if any of them verify the selection. This makes is_bonded(#1, name O) select all atoms bonded to an oxygen; and is_angle(type C, #1, name O) select all atoms in the middle of a C-X-O angle.

Constraints on atomic or residue properties

It is possible to use atomic properties (unfortunately not frame properties) in constraints, with the [<property>] syntax. <property> should be replaced by the property name: [is_hetatm], possibly using quotes around the property name if it contains spaces: ["my own property"]. Depending on the context, a Boolean, string or numeric property will be searched. If an atomic property with a given name cannot be found, residue properties are searched instead, however, atomic properties take precedence. If none can be found, or if the property type does not match, a default value will be used instead: false for Boolean properties, "" (empty string) for string properties, and NaN for numeric properties.

Selection language reference

Here is the list of currently implemented constraints. Additional ideas are welcome!

Boolean constraints

Boolean constraints directly evaluate to true or false, and can be combined with other constraints with and, or and not.


Matches any atom and always evaluate to true


Never matches an atom and always evaluate to false

is_bonded(i, j)

Check if atoms i and j are bonded together.

i and j can either be one of the atoms currently being matched (i.e. #1 / #2 / #3 / #4); or a sub-selection (e.g. is_bonded(#1, name O)). In the latter case, the constrain will be checked for all atoms returned by the sub-selection, and evaluate to true if any of them matches.

If i and j refers to the same atom, this evaluates to false.

is_angle(i, j, k)

Check if atoms i, j and k are bonded together to form an angle, i.e. that i is bonded to j and j is bonded to k.

i, j, and k can either be one of the atoms currently being matched (i.e. #1 / #2 / #3 / #4); or a sub-selection (with the same behavior as is_bonded).

If any of i, j or k refer to the same atom, is_angle evaluate to false.

is_dihedral(i, j, k, m)

Check if atoms i, j, k and m are bonded together to form a dihedral angle, i.e. that i is bonded to j, j is bonded to k, and k is bonded to m.

i, j, k, and m can either be one of the atoms currently being matched (i.e. #1 / #2 / #3 / #4); or a sub-selection (with the same behavior as is_bonded).

If any of i, j, k or m refer to the same atom, is_dihedral evaluate to false.

is_improper(i, j, k, m)

Check if atoms i, j, k and m are bonded together to form a dihedral angle, i.e. that all of i, k, and m are bonded to j.

If any of i, j, k or m refer to the same atom, is_improper evaluate to false.

[<property>] / [<property>](#i)

Check if atoms or residues they belong to have a Boolean property named 'property', and that this property is set to true.

This will evaluate to false if the property does not exist.

If multiple atoms are being matched simultaneously, the one to check can be specified by setting #i to one of #1 / #2 / #3 / #4. If #i is not specified, #1 is checked by default.

String constraints

String constraints are compared to a literal value for either equality with constrain == value, or inequality with constrain != value. Values without spaces, starting with an ASCII letter and using only ASCII letters and numbers can be written directly (type == Fe, resname != ALA), other values must be surrounded by quotation marks: name == "17", resname != "a long name".

For string selectors, constrain value is equivalent to constrain == value, and constrain value1 value2 value3 is equivalent to constrain == value1 or constrain == value2 or constrain == value3. This simplifies common selections, such as name H O C N.

type / type(#i)

Evaluates to the atomic type of the atom being checked.

If multiple atoms are being matched simultaneously, the one to check can be specified by setting #i to one of #1 / #2 / #3 / #4. If #i is not specified, #1 is checked by default.

name / name(#i)

Evaluates to the atomic name of the atom being checked. Some formats store both an atomic name (e.g. H3) and an atom type (e.g. H), this is why you can use two different selectors depending on the actual data;

If multiple atoms are being matched simultaneously, the one to check can be specified by setting #i to one of #1 / #2 / #3 / #4. If #i is not specified, #1 is checked by default.

resname / resname(#i)

Evaluates to the name of the chemfiles::Residue containing the atom being checked. If an atom is not in a residue, this evaluates to the empty string.

If multiple atoms are being matched simultaneously, the one to check can be specified by setting #i to one of #1 / #2 / #3 / #4. If #i is not specified, #1 is checked by default.

[<property>] / [<property>](#i)

If the atom being matched or the residue it belongs to (if any) have a string property named 'property', this evaluates to the value of the property. Else this evaluates to an empty string ("").

If multiple atoms are being matched simultaneously, the one to check can be specified by setting #i to one of #1 / #2 / #3 / #4. If #i is not specified, #1 is checked by default.

Numeric constraints

Numeric constraints can be combined using all of the usual numeric operations: +, -, *, /; as well as ^ for exponentiation and % for modulo (remainder of Euclidean division). Parenthesis can be used for grouping operations.

Additionally, mathematical functions are available to transform a number to another value. Currently supported functions are: deg2rad and rad2deg functions for transforming radians to degrees and respectively; sin, cos, tan for the trigonometric functions (taking radians as input); asin and acos inverse trigonometric functions (giving output in radians); sqrt for square root; exp for base e exponential; log for the natural or base e logarithm; log2 for the base 2 logarithm and log10 for the base 10 logarithm. If you need another of such mathematical function, open an issue in the chemfiles repository!

Numeric values are finally compared using one of == (equal), != (not equal), > (greater), >= (greater or equal), < (lesser), or <= (lesser or equal). They can be compared with one another ((x^2 + z) > y) or with literal values (z <= 1.24e-1).


Numeric selection operate on double precision floating point number, and as such are subject to the same limitations. In particular, while 1 + 2 == 3 will match all atoms, since this relation is always true, 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3 will match no atoms, since 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.30000000000000004 when using floating point arithmetic.

Here are all the available numeric values

index / index(#i)

Evaluates to the atomic index of the atom being matched.

If multiple atoms are being matched simultaneously, the one to check can be specified by setting #i to one of #1 / #2 / #3 / #4. If #i is not specified, #1 is checked by default.

mass / mass(#i)

Evaluates to the mass of the atom being matched. For atoms with a type from the periodic table, the element mass is used as default. The atom mass can also be set manually with chemfiles::Atom::set_mass().

If multiple atoms are being matched simultaneously, the one to check can be specified by setting #i to one of #1 / #2 / #3 / #4. If #i is not specified, #1 is checked by default.

x / y / z / x(#i) / y(#i) / z(#i)

Evaluates to the cartesian component of the position of the atom being matched, in Ångströms.

If multiple atoms are being matched simultaneously, the one to check can be specified by setting #i to one of #1 / #2 / #3 / #4. If #i is not specified, #1 is checked by default.

vx / vy / vz / vx(#i) / vy(#i) / vz(#i)

Evaluates to the cartesian component of the velocity of the atom being matched. If velocities are not defined in the chemfiles::Frame being matched, this evaluates to NaN.

If multiple atoms are being matched simultaneously, the one to check can be specified by setting #i to one of #1 / #2 / #3 / #4. If #i is not specified, #1 is checked by default.

resid / resid(#i)

Evaluates to the id of the chemfiles::Residue containing the atom being checked. If an atom is not in a residue, or if the residue do not have an id, this evaluates to -1.

If multiple atoms are being matched simultaneously, the one to check can be specified by setting #i to one of #1 / #2 / #3 / #4. If #i is not specified, #1 is checked by default.

[<property>] / [<property>](#i)

If the atom being matched or the residue it belongs to (if any) have a numeric property named 'property', this evaluates to the value of the property. Else this evaluates to NaN.

If multiple atoms are being matched simultaneously, the one to check can be specified by setting #i to one of #1 / #2 / #3 / #4. If #i is not specified, #1 is checked by default.

distance(i, j)

Evaluates to the distance in Ångströms between atoms i and j, accounting for periodic boundary conditions.

i and j can either be one of the atoms currently being matched (i.e. #1 / #2 / #3 / #4); or a sub-selection (distance(#1, name O)). In the case of a sub-selection, the distance will be evaluated for all atoms matching the sub-selection, and then propagated through mathematical operations. In the end, the atoms will be considered a match if any of the values is a match. So distance(#1, name O) + 3 < 5 will return all atoms at less than 2Å from any atom with name O.

angle(i, j, k)

Evaluates to the angle between atoms i, j and k in radians, accounting for periodic boundary conditions. The atoms do not need to be bonded together.

i, j, and k can either be one of the atoms currently being matched (i.e. #1 / #2 / #3 / #4); or a sub-selections. In the latter case, mathematical operations are combined as for distance(i, j).

dihedral(i, j, k, m)

Evaluates to the dihedral angle between atoms i, j, k and m in radians, accounting for periodic boundary conditions. The atoms do not need to be bonded together.

i, j, k and m can either be one of the atoms currently being matched (i.e. #1 / #2 / #3 / #4); or a sub-selections. In the latter case, mathematical operations are combined as for distance(i, j).

out_of_plane(i, j, k, m)

Evaluates to the distance in Ångströms between the plane formed by the three atoms i, k, and m; and the atom j, accounting for periodic boundary conditions.

i, j, k and m can either be one of the atoms currently being matched (i.e. #1 / #2 / #3 / #4); or a sub-selections. In the latter case, mathematical operations are combined as for distance(i, j).


angle and dihedral constraints are different from the is_angle and is_dihedral. The firsts returns a number that can then be used in mathematical expressions, and can be used even if the atoms are not bonded together in the corresponding topology elements.

The seconds directly evaluate to true or false, and only check if the atoms are bonded together in the corresponding topology elements.