
class Property

This class holds the data used in properties by the Atom and the Frame classes. A property can have various types: bool, double, string or Vector3D.

Public Types

enum Kind

Possible types held by a property.


enumerator BOOL
enumerator DOUBLE
enumerator STRING
enumerator VECTOR3D

Public Functions

inline Property(bool value)

Create a property holding a boolean value.

auto property = Property(false);

assert(property.kind() == Property::BOOL);
assert(property.as_bool() == false);

inline Property(double value)

Create a property holding a double value.

auto property = Property(45.2);

assert(property.kind() == Property::DOUBLE);
assert(property.as_double() == 45.2);

// Various overload convert integers to double
assert(Property(45).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);     // int
assert(Property(45l).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);    // long
assert(Property(45ll).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);   // long long
assert(Property(45u).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);    // unsigned
assert(Property(45ul).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);   // unsigned long
assert(Property(45ull).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);  // unsigned long long

inline Property(Vector3D value)

Create a property holding a Vector3D value.

auto property = Property(Vector3D(11, 22, 33));

assert(property.kind() == Property::VECTOR3D);
assert(property.as_vector3d() == Vector3D(11, 22, 33));

inline Property(std::string value)

Create a property holding a string value.

// from a std::string
auto property = Property(std::string("foo"));

assert(property.kind() == Property::STRING);
assert(property.as_string() == "foo");

// from a const char*
property = Property("bar");

assert(property.kind() == Property::STRING);
assert(property.as_string() == "bar");

inline Property(const char *value)

Create a property holding a string value from a const char*.

// from a std::string
auto property = Property(std::string("foo"));

assert(property.kind() == Property::STRING);
assert(property.as_string() == "foo");

// from a const char*
property = Property("bar");

assert(property.kind() == Property::STRING);
assert(property.as_string() == "bar");

inline Property(int value)

Create a property holding a double value from an int.

auto property = Property(45.2);

assert(property.kind() == Property::DOUBLE);
assert(property.as_double() == 45.2);

// Various overload convert integers to double
assert(Property(45).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);     // int
assert(Property(45l).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);    // long
assert(Property(45ll).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);   // long long
assert(Property(45u).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);    // unsigned
assert(Property(45ul).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);   // unsigned long
assert(Property(45ull).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);  // unsigned long long

inline Property(long value)

Create a property holding a double value from a long.

auto property = Property(45.2);

assert(property.kind() == Property::DOUBLE);
assert(property.as_double() == 45.2);

// Various overload convert integers to double
assert(Property(45).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);     // int
assert(Property(45l).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);    // long
assert(Property(45ll).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);   // long long
assert(Property(45u).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);    // unsigned
assert(Property(45ul).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);   // unsigned long
assert(Property(45ull).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);  // unsigned long long

inline Property(long long value)

Create a property holding a double value from a long long.

auto property = Property(45.2);

assert(property.kind() == Property::DOUBLE);
assert(property.as_double() == 45.2);

// Various overload convert integers to double
assert(Property(45).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);     // int
assert(Property(45l).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);    // long
assert(Property(45ll).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);   // long long
assert(Property(45u).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);    // unsigned
assert(Property(45ul).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);   // unsigned long
assert(Property(45ull).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);  // unsigned long long

inline Property(unsigned value)

Create a property holding a double value from an unsigned.

auto property = Property(45.2);

assert(property.kind() == Property::DOUBLE);
assert(property.as_double() == 45.2);

// Various overload convert integers to double
assert(Property(45).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);     // int
assert(Property(45l).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);    // long
assert(Property(45ll).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);   // long long
assert(Property(45u).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);    // unsigned
assert(Property(45ul).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);   // unsigned long
assert(Property(45ull).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);  // unsigned long long

inline Property(unsigned long value)

Create a property holding a double value from an unsigned long.

auto property = Property(45.2);

assert(property.kind() == Property::DOUBLE);
assert(property.as_double() == 45.2);

// Various overload convert integers to double
assert(Property(45).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);     // int
assert(Property(45l).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);    // long
assert(Property(45ll).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);   // long long
assert(Property(45u).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);    // unsigned
assert(Property(45ul).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);   // unsigned long
assert(Property(45ull).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);  // unsigned long long

inline Property(unsigned long long value)

Create a property holding a double value from an unsigned long long.

auto property = Property(45.2);

assert(property.kind() == Property::DOUBLE);
assert(property.as_double() == 45.2);

// Various overload convert integers to double
assert(Property(45).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);     // int
assert(Property(45l).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);    // long
assert(Property(45ll).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);   // long long
assert(Property(45u).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);    // unsigned
assert(Property(45ul).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);   // unsigned long
assert(Property(45ull).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);  // unsigned long long

inline Kind kind() const

Get the kind of property, i.e. the type of the held value

assert(Property(42).kind() == Property::DOUBLE);
assert(Property(false).kind() == Property::BOOL);
assert(Property("string").kind() == Property::STRING);
assert(Property(Vector3D(1, 2, 3)).kind() == Property::VECTOR3D);

bool as_bool() const

Get the boolean value stored in this Property

auto property = Property(false);
assert(property.as_bool() == false);


PropertyError – if this property does not hold a boolean value

double as_double() const

Get the double value stored in this Property

auto property = Property(45.2);
assert(property.as_double() == 45.2);


PropertyError – if this property does not hold a double value

Vector3D as_vector3d() const

Get the Vector3D value stored in this Property

auto property = Property(Vector3D(11, 22, 33));
assert(property.as_vector3d() == Vector3D(11, 22, 33));


PropertyError – if this property does not hold a Vector3D value

const std::string &as_string() const

Get the string value stored in this Property

// from a std::string
auto property = Property("foo");
assert(property.as_string() == "foo");


PropertyError – if this property does not hold a string value

Public Static Functions

static std::string kind_as_string(Kind kind)

Get the given kind name as a string.