typedef struct CHFL_CELL CHFL_CELL

An opaque type handling an unit cell.

A CHFL_CELL represent the box containing the atoms, and its periodicity.

An unit cell is defined by three vectors (A, B, and C), which can be stored together to define a matrix represenation of the cell (storing one vector per row):

| a_x    a_y   a_z |
| b_x    b_y   b_z |
| c_x    c_y   c_z |

Alternatively, the cell can be represented with three lengths (a, b, c); and three angles (alpha, beta, gamma). The angles are stored in degrees, and the lengths in Angstroms. In this representation, the overall cell orientation is lost, and we choose to orient the cell such that the A vector is along the x axis, and the B vector is in the xy plane:

| a_x    0     0   |
| b_x    b_y   0   |
| c_x    c_y   c_z |

Here is the full list of functions acting on CHFL_CELL:

CHFL_CELL *chfl_cell(const chfl_vector3d lengths, const chfl_vector3d angles)

Create an unit cell using the optional lengths and angles parameters

If both lengths and angles are NULL, this creates an infinite unit cell. If angles is NULL, it defaults to [90, 90, 90].

The shape of the cell depends on the angles: it will be ORTHORHOMBIC if the three angles are 90°, TRICLINIC otherwise.

The cell lengths should be in Angstroms, and the angles in degree.

The caller of this function should free the associated memory using chfl_free.

/* Orthorhombic cell */
CHFL_CELL* cell = chfl_cell((chfl_vector3d){10, 10, 10}, NULL);

if (cell == NULL) { /* handle error */ }


/* Triclinic cell */
cell = chfl_cell((chfl_vector3d){10, 10, 10}, (chfl_vector3d){92, 88, 100});

if (cell == NULL) { /* handle error */ }



A pointer to the unit cell, or NULL in case of error. You can use chfl_last_error to learn about the error.

CHFL_CELL *chfl_cell_from_matrix(const chfl_vector3d matrix[3])

Create an unit cell from the unit cell matrix.

If matrix contains only zeros, then an infinite cell is created. If only the diagonal of the matrix is non-zero, then the cell is ORTHORHOMBIC. Else a TRICLINIC cell is created. The matrix entries should be in Angstroms.

The caller of this function should free the associated memory using chfl_free.

const chfl_vector3d matrix[3] = {
    {10, 0, 0},
    {0, 12, 0},
    {0, 0, 15}

CHFL_CELL* cell = chfl_cell_from_matrix(matrix);

chfl_vector3d lengths;
chfl_cell_lengths(cell, lengths);
assert(lengths[0] == 10);
assert(lengths[1] == 12);
assert(lengths[2] == 15);



A pointer to the unit cell, or NULL in case of error. You can use chfl_last_error to learn about the error.

CHFL_CELL *chfl_cell_from_frame(CHFL_FRAME *frame)

Get access to the cell of a frame

Any modification to the cell will be reflected in the frame. The frame will be kept alive, even if chfl_free(frame) is called, until chfl_free is also called on the pointer returned by this function.

If chfl_frame_set_cell is called, this pointer will point to the new cell.

CHFL_FRAME* frame = chfl_frame();
CHFL_CELL* cell = chfl_cell_from_frame(frame);

if (cell == NULL) {
    /* handle error */



A pointer to the unit cell, or NULL in case of error. You can use chfl_last_error to learn about the error.

CHFL_CELL *chfl_cell_copy(const CHFL_CELL *cell)

Get a copy of a cell.

The caller of this function should free the associated memory using chfl_free.

CHFL_CELL* cell = chfl_cell((chfl_vector3d){10, 10, 10}, NULL);
CHFL_CELL* copy = chfl_cell_copy(cell);

if (copy == NULL) {
    /* handle error */



A pointer to the new cell, or NULL in case of error. You can use chfl_last_error to learn about the error.

chfl_status chfl_cell_volume(const CHFL_CELL *cell, double *volume)

Get the unit cell volume of cell in the double pointed to by volume.

CHFL_CELL* cell = chfl_cell((chfl_vector3d){10, 10, 10}, NULL);

double volume = 0;
chfl_cell_volume(cell, &volume);
assert(volume == 1000);



The operation status code. You can use chfl_last_error to learn about the error if the status code is not CHFL_SUCCESS.

chfl_status chfl_cell_lengths(const CHFL_CELL *cell, chfl_vector3d lengths)

Get the unit cell lengths in lengths. The cell lengths are in Angstroms.

CHFL_CELL* cell = chfl_cell((chfl_vector3d){10, 11, 12}, NULL);

chfl_vector3d lengths = {0, 0, 0};
chfl_cell_lengths(cell, lengths);
assert(lengths[0] == 10);
assert(lengths[1] == 11);
assert(lengths[2] == 12);



The operation status code. You can use chfl_last_error to learn about the error if the status code is not CHFL_SUCCESS.

chfl_status chfl_cell_set_lengths(CHFL_CELL *cell, const chfl_vector3d lengths)

Set the unit cell lengths to lengths.

The cell lengths should be in Angstroms.

This function reset cell orientation!

After the call, the cell is aligned such that the first cell vector is along the x axis, and the second cell vector is in the xy plane.

CHFL_CELL* cell = chfl_cell((chfl_vector3d){10, 10, 10}, NULL);

chfl_cell_set_lengths(cell, (chfl_vector3d){42, 8, 3});

chfl_vector3d lengths = {0, 0, 0};
chfl_cell_lengths(cell, lengths);
assert(lengths[0] == 42);
assert(lengths[1] == 8);
assert(lengths[2] == 3);



The operation status code. You can use chfl_last_error to learn about the error if the status code is not CHFL_SUCCESS.

chfl_status chfl_cell_angles(const CHFL_CELL *cell, chfl_vector3d angles)

Get the cell angles in angles. The cell angles are in degrees.

CHFL_CELL* cell = chfl_cell((chfl_vector3d){10, 10, 10}, NULL);

chfl_vector3d angles = {0, 0, 0};
chfl_cell_angles(cell, angles);
assert(angles[0] == 90);
assert(angles[1] == 90);
assert(angles[2] == 90);



The operation status code. You can use chfl_last_error to learn about the error if the status code is not CHFL_SUCCESS.

chfl_status chfl_cell_set_angles(CHFL_CELL *cell, const chfl_vector3d angles)

Set the cell angles to angles.

The cell lengths should be in degree. Trying to set cell angles on a cell which is not triclinic (does not have the CHFL_CELL_TRICLINIC shape) is an error.

This function reset cell orientation!

After the call, the cell is aligned such that the first cell vector is along the x axis, and the second cell vector is in the xy plane.

CHFL_CELL* cell = chfl_cell((chfl_vector3d){10, 10, 10}, NULL);
chfl_cell_set_shape(cell, CHFL_CELL_TRICLINIC);

chfl_cell_set_angles(cell, (chfl_vector3d){120, 110, 100});

chfl_vector3d angles = {0, 0, 0};
chfl_cell_angles(cell, angles);
// Floating point rounding error can exist when accessing angles
assert(fabs(angles[0] - 120) < 1e-12);
assert(fabs(angles[1] - 110) < 1e-12);
assert(fabs(angles[2] - 100) < 1e-12);



The operation status code. You can use chfl_last_error to learn about the error if the status code is not CHFL_SUCCESS.

chfl_status chfl_cell_matrix(const CHFL_CELL *cell, chfl_vector3d matrix[3])

Get the unit cell matricial representation in matrix.

CHFL_CELL* cell = chfl_cell((chfl_vector3d){10, 11, 12}, NULL);

chfl_vector3d matrix[3];
chfl_cell_matrix(cell, matrix);
assert(matrix[0][0] == 10);
assert(matrix[1][1] == 11);
assert(matrix[2][2] == 12);

// Out of diagonal terms are zero
assert(matrix[1][2] == 0);



The operation status code. You can use chfl_last_error to learn about the error if the status code is not CHFL_SUCCESS.

enum chfl_cellshape

Available cell shapes in chemfiles.



The three angles are 90°


The three angles may not be 90°


Cell shape when there is no periodic boundary conditions.

chfl_status chfl_cell_shape(const CHFL_CELL *cell, chfl_cellshape *shape)

Get the unit cell shape in shape.

CHFL_CELL* cell = chfl_cell((chfl_vector3d){10, 10, 10}, NULL);

chfl_cellshape shape;
chfl_cell_shape(cell, &shape);
assert(shape == CHFL_CELL_ORTHORHOMBIC);



The operation status code. You can use chfl_last_error to learn about the error if the status code is not CHFL_SUCCESS.

chfl_status chfl_cell_set_shape(CHFL_CELL *cell, chfl_cellshape shape)

Set the unit cell shape to shape.

CHFL_CELL* cell = chfl_cell((chfl_vector3d){10, 10, 10}, NULL);

chfl_cell_set_shape(cell, CHFL_CELL_TRICLINIC);

chfl_cellshape shape;
chfl_cell_shape(cell, &shape);
assert(shape == CHFL_CELL_TRICLINIC);



The operation status code. You can use chfl_last_error to learn about the error if the status code is not CHFL_SUCCESS.

chfl_status chfl_cell_wrap(const CHFL_CELL *cell, chfl_vector3d vector)

Wrap a vector in the unit cell.

CHFL_CELL* cell = chfl_cell((chfl_vector3d){10, 10, 10}, NULL);

chfl_vector3d position = {4, 12, -18};
chfl_cell_wrap(cell, position);

assert(position[0] == 4);
assert(position[1] == 2);
assert(position[2] == 2);



The operation status code. You can use chfl_last_error to learn about the error if the status code is not CHFL_SUCCESS.