Miscelaneous functions

Error handling

Apart from the constructor functions (the functions returning pointers to the chemfiles types); all the functions return a status code from the chfl_status enum:

enum chfl_status

chfl_status list the possible values for the return status code of chemfiles functions.


enumerator CHFL_SUCCESS

Status code for successful operations.


Status code for error concerning memory: out of memory, wrong size for pre-allocated buffers, etc.

enumerator CHFL_FILE_ERROR

Status code for error concerning files: the file do not exist, the user does not have rights to open it, etc.


Status code for error in file formating, i.e. for invalid files.


Status code for invalid selection strings.


Status code for out of bounds errors.


Status code for errors related to properties.


Status code for any other error from Chemfiles.

enumerator CHFL_CXX_ERROR

Status code for error in the C++ standard library.

const char *chfl_last_error(void)

Get the last error message.

The last error message is a thread local variable, so you need to call this function in the thread from where the error happened.

// Generate an error
chfl_trajectory_open("noformat", 'r');

const char* error = chfl_last_error();
assert(strcmp(error, "file at 'noformat' does not have an extension, provide a format name to read it") == 0);


A null-terminated string containing the last error message

chfl_status chfl_clear_errors(void)

Clear the thread local last error message.

The last error message is a thread local variable, so this function will only clear it in the thread where it is called.

// Generate an error
chfl_trajectory_open("noformat", 'r');

const char* error = chfl_last_error();
assert(strcmp(error, "") != 0);


error = chfl_last_error();
assert(strcmp(error, "") == 0);


The operation status code. You can use chfl_last_error to learn about the error if the status code is not CHFL_SUCCESS.

Format list and Metadata

chfl_status chfl_guess_format(const char *path, char *format, uint64_t buffsize)

Get the format that chemfiles would use to read a file at the given path in the string buffer format.

The buffer size must be passed in buffsize. This function will return CHFL_MEMORY_ERROR if the format does not fit in the buffer.

Most of the time, the format is only guessed from the filename extension, without reading the file to guess the format. When two or more format can share the same extension (for example CIF and mmCIF), chemfiles tries to read the file to distinguish between them. If reading fails, the default format for this extension is returned.

Opening the file using the returned format string might still fail. For example, it will fail if the file is not actually formatted according to the guessed format; or the format/compression combination is not supported (e.g. XTC / GZ will not work since the XTC reader does not support compressed files).

The format is represented in a way compatible with the various Trajectory constructors, i.e. "<format name> [/ <compression>]", where compression is optional.

char format[256] = {0};
chfl_guess_format("filename.nc", format, sizeof(format));
assert(strcmp(format, "Amber NetCDF") == 0);

chfl_guess_format("filename.xyz.gz", format, sizeof(format));
assert(strcmp(format, "XYZ / GZ") == 0);


The operation status code. You can use chfl_last_error to learn about the error if the status code is not CHFL_SUCCESS.

chfl_status chfl_formats_list(chfl_format_metadata **metadata, uint64_t *count)

Get the list of formats known by chemfiles, as well as all associated metadata.

This function allocate memory for all known formats, and set metadata to this new array. Users of this function are responsible with cleaning up this memory using chfl_free. The number of known formats (and thus the size of the metadata array) is set in count.

chfl_format_metadata* formats = NULL;
uint64_t count = 0;
chfl_formats_list(&formats, &count);

for (uint64_t i=0; i<count; i++) {
    printf("%s (%s)\n", formats[i].name, formats[i].extension == NULL ? "" : formats[i].extension);

// the user is responsible with freeing the memory


The operation status code. You can use chfl_last_error to learn about the error if the status code is not CHFL_SUCCESS.

struct chfl_format_metadata

A chfl_format_metadata contains metadata associated with one format.

Public Members

const char *name

Name of the format.

const char *extension

Extension associated with the format, or NULL if there is no extension associated.

const char *description

Extended, user-facing description of the format.

const char *reference

URL pointing to the format definition/reference.

bool read

Is reading files in this format implemented?

bool write

Is writing files in this format implemented?

bool memory

Does this format support in-memory IO?

bool positions

Does this format support storing atomic positions?

bool velocities

Does this format support storing atomic velocities?

bool unit_cell

Does this format support storing unit cell information?

bool atoms

Does this format support storing atom names or types?

bool bonds

Does this format support storing bonds between atoms?

bool residues

Does this format support storing residues?


The chemfiles library send warnings when it encounters malformed files, or any other condition that the user might want to know about. By default, these warnings are printed to the standard error stream. chfl_set_warning_callback() allow to redirect these warning by giving it a callback function to be called on each warning event.

typedef void (*chfl_warning_callback)(const char *message)

Callback type that can be used to process warning events.

chfl_status chfl_set_warning_callback(chfl_warning_callback callback)

Set the global warning callback to be used for each warning event.

char LAST_WARNING[1024] = {0};

void warning_callback(const char* message) {
    strncpy(LAST_WARNING, message, 1024);
    LAST_WARNING[1023] = '\0';

int main(void) {

    // Generate a warning event
    chfl_trajectory_open("noformat", 'r');

    assert(strcmp(LAST_WARNING, "file at 'noformat' does not have an extension, provide a format name to read it") == 0);
    return 0;
